Welcome!!! At start, we have a very !!Cool!! Search-bar with Search-Icon, here user can enter any
Cocktail Drink they like and get their Ingredients and Instructions showed up on the page.!!Amazing!!
Also,there is a button Named"Find This Cocktail Near You" ,as user
click on it to get the local Bars who
their awesome searched Cocktail-Drink.
Restaurants with the cocktail near you
Successfully, tested our two API and write all functionality and also update a part of HTML to fit in JS functionality .
Contributed in HTML,CSS and GITHUB.Also,helped in solving github issues and in looking for good API keys for use in project
Worked on HTML,CSS and Framework contributed in completing one functionality[Instructions section] in Javascript. Also, completed README.md.
Contributed in HTML,CSS and GitHub. Also,helped in solving Github issues.